Manage Orders

How to Manage Orders for Your DoorDash Integration

Find out when you can manage orders through DoorDash, and when you’ll need to contact your POS integration provider for support.

Jul 14, 2024
3 min read

One of the benefits of a DoorDash POS integration is that you can manage DoorDash orders directly through your POS system. Many order issues you encounter can be resolved directly through your POS, though some can be addressed through DoorDash.

How to contact a customer about an active order

You’ll need to call DoorDash Support to contact a customer about an active order. DoorDash Support can help with live order requests like making status updates, modifying/canceling a live order, or reporting an item as unavailable.

How to temporarily pause orders

If you are experiencing kitchen delays or have an item out of stock, the best way to temporarily pause orders is through your POS system. Contact your POS provider if you experience any issues.

If you have high Avoidable Dasher Wait times — or, in other words, if Dashers are reporting having to wait at your store for orders to be ready — DoorDash will automatically pause orders to your store for 30 minutes. This allows you to catch up on orders and provide the best service possible for customers.

You can also temporarily pause orders in the DoorDash Merchant Portal. If you use the DoorDash Merchant Portal to pause orders, you’ll also need to use it to reactivate orders.

How to cancel orders

You can cancel a live order by contacting DoorDash Support or through the DoorDash Merchant Portal. Too many self-initiated order cancellations in one day may lead to your store being temporarily deactivated.

How to track Dasher status or add Dasher instructions

You can track Dasher status through the DoorDash Business Manager App or an Android tablet if you have one onsite. Contact DoorDash Support if you have concerns about Dashers on live orders, such as food not being delivered or Dasher behavior.

You can provide Dasher instructions about where to park or if there is a special entrance through the DoorDash Merchant Portal.

Integrated Orders FAQ

Why is my store deactivated?

If your store is automatically temporarily deactivated, you’ll receive an email from DoorDash with the reason for deactivation. This email will also include information about reactivating your store and how to avoid future deactivations.

How do I mark a menu item out of stock or 86 an item?

Marking a menu item as out-of-stock can usually be completed through your POS provider. Contact your provider directly to complete this request. You can also learn more about managing your POS integrated menu here.

How can I print order tickets?

The ability to print order tickets varies by POS provider. Check with your provider for more details.

How do I adjust my prep times?

You can adjust your minimum prep time directly through your POS. If your POS provider doesn’t support minimum prep times, please contact DoorDash merchant support.

With a DoorDash integration, you can easily manage your orders directly from your POS.

Want to manage orders on a tablet or another method? Learn how to switch your order protocol.


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