
DC Area's Most Loved All Stars 2022

DoorDash’s top-rated, most reliable local restaurants, where customers can rest assured that their order will be right and delivered fresh.

Jun 13, 2022
Mx MostlovedAll stars blogheader 10

For restaurants, creating a top-notch customer experience is no small feat — it’s not just about food quality, it’s also about service, reliability, and the overall experience. The Most Loved program recognizes restaurants that excel in all of these areas.

The Most Loved All Star list is even more impressive — fewer than 1% of restaurants on the platform qualify. The restaurants on this local All Star list aren’t just some of the top-rated spots on DoorDash in the DC area, they’re also guaranteed to be the most efficient and reliable. Celebrate their achievement by ordering from one of the restaurants on the list today! 


1910 Wilson Blvd
Arlington, VA


2600 Crystal Dr
Arlington, VA

Dukes Counter

3000 Connecticut Ave NW
Washington, DC

Four Sisters Grill

3035 North Clarendon Boulevard Arlington
Arlington, VA



3708 Macomb St NW
Washington, DC

Poke it up

4401 Fairfax Dr
Arlington, VA

Poke Papa

806 H St NW
Washington, DC


Rien Tong Thai

3131 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA

Toryumon Japanese House

1650 Wilson Blvd Suite 100B
Arlington, VA

Umi Japanese Cuisine

2625 Connecticut Ave NW
Washington, DC


The Most Loved All Stars list was generated by analyzing data from April 2021 to April 2022. All restaurants who achieved Most Loved status for at least ten months qualified for All Star in-app promotion and relevant local lists. Those merchants with 5 stores or less who had achieved Most Loved status were ranked by most months qualified then average overall customer rating with the top 10 being named to the local list.




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