Most Loved All Stars
Get to know the top-rated and most reliable restaurants on DoorDash, where customers can rest assured that their order will be right and delivered fresh.

How a Former Brand Strategist Turned Her Dreams into Reality with Kokomo
Explore Katie Ruddell’s unique path to owning Kokomo, one of DoorDash’s 50 Most Loved All Stars in Canada.

New York City's Most Loved All Stars 2022
DoorDash’s top-rated, most reliable local restaurants, where customers can rest assured that their order will be right and delivered fresh.

Los Angeles's Most Loved All Stars 2022
DoorDash’s top-rated, most reliable local restaurants, where customers can rest assured that their order will be right and delivered fresh.

DC Area's Most Loved All Stars 2022
DoorDash’s top-rated, most reliable local restaurants, where customers can rest assured that their order will be right and delivered fresh.

US 100 Most Loved All Stars 2022
DoorDash’s top-rated, most reliable restaurants, where customers can rest assured that their order will be right and delivered fresh.